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Sunday 16 December 2012


                       WATER RISERS


A network of pipes is fixed near hazardous places in industries, in order to extinguish the fire in case of emergency. This system consists of pipes made of cast iron, steel, Al alloy etc.,

These pumps were always connected to a reservoir.

Hoses and fittings are kept near the hydrants for immediate use when an emergency escalates.

Three types of hydrants are there known as ball type (failure model), screw down type hydrant (high efficiency) and sluice valve hydrant (high efficiency)

Proper maintenance & routine inspection is required to make them work perfect in an emergency situation.


A water pipe line is given vertically and routed inside the building or along with the building.

The outlets of pipes are fixed at various levels inside the building, and these outlet pipe junctions are connected by hoses, couplings and nozzles.

There are two types of risers, dry riser system ie. Water is charged when necessary!

Wet riser system i.e. Water is charged forever, under pressure.




The worker has to report within 48 hours!


The worker hasn’t come & report within 48 hours ie. He takes rest more than 48 hours.
It should be reported to supervisor and form18 is prepared for that worker & being sent to the 
Chief inspector of factories.

FORM 18-b

If the worker hasn’t come within 21 days of accident, 18-b is sent to the chief inspector of factories.

If the worker has joined after this means, joint report form should be sent to chief inspector of factories.

If the worker died after sending form18-b means , while sending the second form , in the medical report column , indicate that he is DEAD and then sent to CIF. This is the final one to be viewed by CIF, which means he closes the file.


Immediately report to CIF & local inspector of factory by phone and send the form 18b to the CIF within two or three days.



In air, the overall content of oxygen is 21% and from this only 18% of oxygen is required for breathing. The oxygen meter is used to determine the % of oxygen in vessels or tanks or any confined area where risk lies, as those contains poisons, irritants, asphiants (increase of certain gases which leads to the decrease of oxygen)etc.,

Where oxygen content is very low, SCBA is required for normal breathing (but not applicable in fire intended areas.)

SCBA sizes vary according to durations like 15minutes, 30minutes, 45minutes, or 1 hour. A warning whistle is provided in SCBA, in case if the oxygen is at lower level, it blows automatically in order to ensure the safety of the wearer.



Accident preventive measures to be taken by safety officer

Responsible for providing training & education to workers

To ensure the supply of correct PPE’S

Following statutory rules

Responsible for investigating accidents & enabling suitable safety measures/ suggestions

Accident reporting to chief inspector of factory (form 18,18b)

coordinating testing of equipments

organizing safety committee meetings

conducting periodic mock drills 

preparation of emergency plan

coordinating for conducting safety audit

conducting safety functions

practicing regular safety inspection

maintaining safety register etc.,



Pumps are machines driven by an external power to provide energy (force) to fluids. There are three types’ namely positive displacement pumps, negative displacement pumps or centrifugal pumps and ejector pumps.

Example for positive displacement pumps are force pumps, lift pumps, bucket and plunger pumps, rotary pumps etc.,


A solid piston or plunger which moves within a cylinder up & down by means of push pull actions. As a result it creates a suction stroke, which is used to lift the water from ground level.

 An inlet valve and outlet valve is fixed along with the cylinder and when piston moves upward, inlet valve opens & outlet valve is closed similarly when piston moves downward, inlet valve closed & outlet valve opens.


Examples for centrifugal pumps are single stage centrifugal pumps, two stage centrifugal pumps, multi-stage centrifugal pumps.

It consists of two main parts, the impeller & the casing. Impeller provides a high velocity to the water / fluids whereas the casing transforms these velocities in to pressure energy.

Casing inner walls contains guide vanes which is used to reduce the turbulence and also known as the guide rings or diffuser.


Moving parts are very less, therefore wear /tear is less.

It ensures continues flow of water.

It construction was very simple


Priming is necessary, they are not self-priming.

Two stage centrifugal means two impellers mounted on one shaft with extended guide vanes.


No moving parts, therefore no wear / tear loss.

Light weight, easy to handle.

Low maintenance is required.

They can be used in anywhere.


The primers is a separate device provided either manually or automatically , depending upon the type of centrifugal pump, and it is used to eliminate the air from suction hose and pump casing.



Three types are there known as approach suit, proximity suit and entry suit.


It was mainly produced from galvanized aluminum fabric with five layers of protection which includes layer of aluminum by vapor deposit process, protective film, another layer of aluminum, heat stable adhesive along with base fabrics.

It was also lined with leather with proper insulations as inner lining, fire hoods are manufactured with fire retardant plastic and the face side is covered with two pieces of brass mesh.

Properly insulated gloves made up of asbestos.

Shoes with leather lining and insulated soles with a layer of asbestos, in order to retard heat. 



Fire detectors are designed to detect the characteristics of fire such as the smoke, heat and radiation (flame)

A combination of different types of detectors enables more safety, heat detectors are classified in to two types known as point type and line type.

Point type detectors respond to temperature of the gases, in the vicinity of a single point.

Line type detectors respond in the vicinity of a line.


Two types - known as the ionization chamber smoke detectors and optical type smoke detectors.

The principle of ionization chamber smoke detector is “electric current flowing between electrodes in an ionization chamber is reduced when smoke particle enters the chamber”

Optical type smoke detector operates by deflecting the absorption of light by smoke particles.


Which includes ultraviolet- infrared detectors !


                  AIRLINE RESPIRATOR

It was widely used in industries where oxygen content is low such as a confined area, vessel, tank etc., the apparatus includes the face mask, air blower and air hose.

The blower fixed area must be free from dust particles; it ensures continues supply of oxygen to the wearer.

The air hose is covered by means of a steel guard in order to protect the hose from puncture and also available in longer lengths to cover distant areas.




It was a duty of safety officer

Immediately done after accident

To avoid re-occurrence

Safety officer has the right to enquire anybody regarding accident
The investigation report should be submitted to occupier (owner of company)

The report should contain the details of accident, cause of accident and the remedial measures to minimize the re-occurrence

Implementation of safety measures is very important

This report is very confidential

Thursday 13 December 2012

Cutting Safety
Ø Using Gas Cylinders like Oxygen, Acetylene, LPG
Ø Color coding is important , three separate colors should be used in hoses for identification purpose
Ø Leaky cylinders should not be used
Ø Do not place cylinders under direct exposure of sunlight
Ø Do not use magnetic cranes to lift the cylinders- Use appropriate trolleys for transportation
Ø Cutting torch should be ignited by means of spark lighter, do not use match box
ü Cutting Goggles
ü Leather Gloves
ü Leather Aprons
Additional Safety Requirements
ü An important hazard in cutting is known as the “Back Fire” It was mainly due to leaks in hoses. “Flash Back Arrestor” must be used to avoid it, it is a non return valve and it avoids returning of flames which was caused by back fire.
ü A choke In cutter point may also induce Back fire in some cases
ü Place proper fire extinguishers !

                                 HAPPY LEARNING 

Welding / Cutting Safety
·       Welding- Joining of two metals

·       Types- Arc welding, Gas welding, Tic welding , Mig welding.

·       Arc Welding Requirements:

Ø Welding Machine- Electrical Energy Is Converted In To Heat

Ø Welding Cable    
Ø Welding Holder

Ø Qualified Welder

Ø Return Earth Cable

Ø Proper PPE’S

Ø Welding socket must be made from  backlite material
Ø Separate Supply point must be provided for welding
Ø Welding machines should not be placed in wet areas
Ø There should be no joints in between welding cables
Ø A helper may be engaged during process for best safety considerations
ü Welding Shield
ü Pure Rubber Shoe
ü Leather Gloves
ü Leather Apron
ü Goggles
 Additional safety requirements
ü Do not do weld in wet areas or a nearby source of flammable thinners , paints, etc.,
ü Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker Must be provided(to trip the current in case of emergency)
ü Earth Return Cable should be directly routed in to the welding machine .

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Safety In Hand Tools

Ø  Hand tools are widely used in industries.

Reasons For Accidents Due To Hand Tools
Ø Use of wrong tools.
Ø Incorrect method of using tool.
Ø Usage of damaged tools.
Ø Lack of job knowledge.

ü The above reasons were corrected by means of routine inspection , education and training programs etc.,

·        Chisels defect- Mushroomed OR Chipped Head, It should not be used !
·        Generally Tools are classified in to two types , Manually operated and power operated .
·        Power operated tools possess an additional hazard of electricity!
·        When using any power operated tools, check for proper earthing , Check for damaged wires
·         There should not be any joints in between wires , if there insulate it properly!
·        Separate holders must be provided for industrial purposes.
·        ELCB is provided !
 {Happy learning }

Saturday 25 August 2012

Personal protective equipments (PPE’S)

Personal protective equipments (PPE’S)

Ø  Head protection—safety helmet made up of PVC or HDPE. (High Density Poly Ethylene)
·       Capable of withstand700 kg of weight.
·       DGMS approval is important.
·       DGMD—director general of mines safety.
Ø  Face protection—face shield made up of mica is used in areas like chemical handling labs , acid/alkali handling areas etc.,
Ø  Eye protection—goggles , welding/cutting goggle, grinding goggle, panorama type goggle, spectacle type goggle etc.,
Ø  Ear protection—TLV of noise is 85 db according to Indian Factories Act and 80 db according to OSHA.
Ø  Nose/mouth protection—face mask, canister mask, cup mask are used for gas fumes, smokes filled areas.
Ø  Hand protection—gloves made up of leather (For grinding/cutting/welding)
·       PVC—for chemical handling
·       Asbestos—for hot areas
·       Thin rubber—for chemical labs
·       Nitryl—for hot chemicals
·       Kevlar—for works related to cutting
·       Thick rubber--  for electrical works

Ø  Chest / stomach protection—aprons are used made up of leather, PVC, Asbestos, Cotton, Rubber.
Ø  Leg/Knee protection—anklets are used for heavy load carrying workers.
·       Safety shoe—it contains a steel cap at the toe end and a thin steel plate at the bottom.
·       Do not use in electrical areas.

Ø  Fall protection—safety harness belt with dual life lines.
Ø  Safety officer is responsible for ordering and purchasing these PPE’S.


Friday 24 August 2012

LPG safety

LPG safety

§  LPG- liquefied petroleum gas.
§  Chemical name of LPG- n-butane propane.
§  LPG-No smell.
§  MERCAPTIN- is added with LPG for safety purpose.
§  LPG+MERCAPTIN—give smell.
§  LPG- comes under Explosives Act.
§  LPG is provided above 100 kg – without license.
§  As per the Explosives Act, we can store up to 100 kgs without license.
§  More than 100 kg—license should be taken.
§  Storage shed—must be a closed one and also fire-proof.
§  Sensors with alarm are provided to detect in case of gas leaks.
§  Fire extinguishers, fire buckets should be placed in cylinder stored areas.
§  Name of the stored gas is displayed in bold letters.
§  LPG cylinder—should not be rolled, should not be hammered, leaky cylinders should not be used.
§  It should not be thrown from the truck.
§  It should not be placed directly under sunlight.
§  While using, don’t put horizontally.

In case of fire on LPG

§  Fire on mouth portion—cover it with a wet cloth and pour continuous water over it, in order to cool the cylinder.

§  Fire on wire hose—cutoff the control switch immediately.
§  Don’t use cell phones.
§  Don’t switch on/off any electrical appliances.
§  Open all doors.
§  Improve ventilation.
§  Tell your neighbor to call for emergency services.
§  Testing of LPG cylinder—hydrostatic test(Once in 5 years)
                       HAPPY LEARNING

House keeping

House keeping

·       There is a place for every material.
·       Housekeeping is common to all areas.
·       There is a proper place for every material.
·       Benefits of good housekeeping  are no time waste, no man power waste, accidents reduced, safety improved, stress/strain reduced, production improved, productivity improved, morale of  factory improved,.

·       When housekeeping starts? –it starts while thinking & planning.
·       It is a continuous process.

Emergency plan (or) disaster plan

Emergency plan (or) disaster plan

ü  Prepared by safety officer.
ü  Emergency plan is, when any damages to human, animals, even vegetations, in a huge wide manner.
ü  Purpose of emergency plan-don’t be panic and to face the situation.
ü  Duty of safety officer is to educate & train the workers, and public around the factory, regarding hazardous things in their factory like nature of the gas, smell, first aid and antidote, how to run? , how to escape? Etc.,
ü  An emergency plan is a written document consists of assembly points, emergency teams, medical team, safety team, transport team, communication team.
ü  A mock drill should be conducted based on the emergency plan for at least two times per year.