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Saturday 25 August 2012

Personal protective equipments (PPE’S)

Personal protective equipments (PPE’S)

Ø  Head protection—safety helmet made up of PVC or HDPE. (High Density Poly Ethylene)
·       Capable of withstand700 kg of weight.
·       DGMS approval is important.
·       DGMD—director general of mines safety.
Ø  Face protection—face shield made up of mica is used in areas like chemical handling labs , acid/alkali handling areas etc.,
Ø  Eye protection—goggles , welding/cutting goggle, grinding goggle, panorama type goggle, spectacle type goggle etc.,
Ø  Ear protection—TLV of noise is 85 db according to Indian Factories Act and 80 db according to OSHA.
Ø  Nose/mouth protection—face mask, canister mask, cup mask are used for gas fumes, smokes filled areas.
Ø  Hand protection—gloves made up of leather (For grinding/cutting/welding)
·       PVC—for chemical handling
·       Asbestos—for hot areas
·       Thin rubber—for chemical labs
·       Nitryl—for hot chemicals
·       Kevlar—for works related to cutting
·       Thick rubber--  for electrical works

Ø  Chest / stomach protection—aprons are used made up of leather, PVC, Asbestos, Cotton, Rubber.
Ø  Leg/Knee protection—anklets are used for heavy load carrying workers.
·       Safety shoe—it contains a steel cap at the toe end and a thin steel plate at the bottom.
·       Do not use in electrical areas.

Ø  Fall protection—safety harness belt with dual life lines.
Ø  Safety officer is responsible for ordering and purchasing these PPE’S.


Friday 24 August 2012

LPG safety

LPG safety

§  LPG- liquefied petroleum gas.
§  Chemical name of LPG- n-butane propane.
§  LPG-No smell.
§  MERCAPTIN- is added with LPG for safety purpose.
§  LPG+MERCAPTIN—give smell.
§  LPG- comes under Explosives Act.
§  LPG is provided above 100 kg – without license.
§  As per the Explosives Act, we can store up to 100 kgs without license.
§  More than 100 kg—license should be taken.
§  Storage shed—must be a closed one and also fire-proof.
§  Sensors with alarm are provided to detect in case of gas leaks.
§  Fire extinguishers, fire buckets should be placed in cylinder stored areas.
§  Name of the stored gas is displayed in bold letters.
§  LPG cylinder—should not be rolled, should not be hammered, leaky cylinders should not be used.
§  It should not be thrown from the truck.
§  It should not be placed directly under sunlight.
§  While using, don’t put horizontally.

In case of fire on LPG

§  Fire on mouth portion—cover it with a wet cloth and pour continuous water over it, in order to cool the cylinder.

§  Fire on wire hose—cutoff the control switch immediately.
§  Don’t use cell phones.
§  Don’t switch on/off any electrical appliances.
§  Open all doors.
§  Improve ventilation.
§  Tell your neighbor to call for emergency services.
§  Testing of LPG cylinder—hydrostatic test(Once in 5 years)
                       HAPPY LEARNING

House keeping

House keeping

·       There is a place for every material.
·       Housekeeping is common to all areas.
·       There is a proper place for every material.
·       Benefits of good housekeeping  are no time waste, no man power waste, accidents reduced, safety improved, stress/strain reduced, production improved, productivity improved, morale of  factory improved,.

·       When housekeeping starts? –it starts while thinking & planning.
·       It is a continuous process.

Emergency plan (or) disaster plan

Emergency plan (or) disaster plan

ü  Prepared by safety officer.
ü  Emergency plan is, when any damages to human, animals, even vegetations, in a huge wide manner.
ü  Purpose of emergency plan-don’t be panic and to face the situation.
ü  Duty of safety officer is to educate & train the workers, and public around the factory, regarding hazardous things in their factory like nature of the gas, smell, first aid and antidote, how to run? , how to escape? Etc.,
ü  An emergency plan is a written document consists of assembly points, emergency teams, medical team, safety team, transport team, communication team.
ü  A mock drill should be conducted based on the emergency plan for at least two times per year.

Safety measures –to prevent accidents

Accident prevention

Ø  Hazards- the danger potentials which may lead to accidents.

Ø  Near miss- a bad incident without human injury.

Ø  Accident-accident is unplanned, unexpected, unwanted, sudden event.

Ø  Two reasons for accidents are unsafe act and unsafe conditions.

Safety measures –to prevent accidents

Ø  Education – safety training class, job knowledge, do’s and don’ts
Ø  Demonstration- how to wear PPE’S, how to react in an emergency condition, etc.,

Ø  Safety inspection- in order to eliminate the unsafe act and unsafe conditions.
Ø  Through safety meetings/committees.

Ø  Through safety board’s like- “WE MAY MAKE HULL BUT NOT YOUR SKULL”

Ø  Through motivation- giving incentives to workers regarding safety.
Ø  Conducting celebrations – April 14(Fire service day) & march 4(National safety day)

                                   HAPPY LEARNING

Thursday 23 August 2012

Maintenance testing and inspection

Maintenance testing and inspection

Ø  Maintenance, testing and inspection of sprinkler system and gas flooding system are very important.

Ø  The test records should be maintained always by the safety department.

Automatic sprinkler system

Automatic sprinkler system

Ø  The water line is given vertically and routed inside the factory from the main water lines.

Ø  The pipelines are having small spray holes at the bottom portion.

Ø  A pneumatic valve is fixed in the inlet of main water line.

Ø  The smoke sensors are fixed inside the factory by covering all areas.

Ø  The sensors are connected to the pneumatic valve by electrical command cables.

Ø  An alarm also is fixed in this area.

Ø  During the fire, the sensor will sense the smoke and gives a command signal to pneumatic valve for operating.

Ø  While opening the valve, alarm will be started.

Ø  Water will spray through holes and quench the fire.

Ø  After extinguishing again the sensor will give a command to pneumatic valve for closing the valve.

Gas flooding system

Gas flooding system

Ø  This system is suitable only for closed areas.

Ø  Normally, in gas flooding system CO2/N2/halon gas are used for extinguishing.

Ø  When compared to sprinkler system, this system is costly.

Ø  This system is installed in critical areas of factories such as server rooms, cash rooms etc.,

Ø  In this system, the gases are stored in cylinders or by tanks, in outside the closed area.

Ø  The cylinders are connected in parallel through pipelines and routed inside the closed sheds.

Ø  The gas pipelines are having small spray holes at the bottom portion.

Ø  A pneumatic valve with alarm is fixed in the inlet of main gas pipe line.

Ø  Sensors are fixed inside the closed areas and connected with command cable to pneumatic valve for opening/closing.

Ø  In case of fire inside the factory, the sensor will sense the smoke and gives a command signal to pneumatic valve for opening, and then the gas flooded through the holes.

Ø  After quenching fire, again the sensor gives a closing command to pneumatic valve, the valve will be closed.

                                                                      HAPPY LEARNING

sprinkler system

Bulb type sprinkler system

Ø  From the main water pipe line, a water line is taken vertically and routed inside the factory and connected in the outside.

Ø  The glass bulb is fixed intermittingly inside the water pipe lines.

Ø  In case of fire, because of the temperature, the glass bulb gets broken.

Ø  Then the water is discharged through the hole & quenches the fire.

Ø  For this system, the water valve should always keep open.


Fire fighting equipments

Fire fighting equipments

Ø For large fires.
Ø Fire tender.
Ø Extension hydraulic ladder.
Ø Fire hose.
Ø Fire adapters.(for joining two hoses)
Ø Fire couplings.
Ø Fire ladder.
Ø Fire rope.
Ø Fire ramp.(steel cover to protect the hose)
Ø Rope ladder.
Ø Fire nozzle.
Ø Jockey pump.(booster pump)
Ø Fire suit made up of galvanized aluminum fabric.