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Thursday 23 August 2012

Automatic sprinkler system

Automatic sprinkler system

Ø  The water line is given vertically and routed inside the factory from the main water lines.

Ø  The pipelines are having small spray holes at the bottom portion.

Ø  A pneumatic valve is fixed in the inlet of main water line.

Ø  The smoke sensors are fixed inside the factory by covering all areas.

Ø  The sensors are connected to the pneumatic valve by electrical command cables.

Ø  An alarm also is fixed in this area.

Ø  During the fire, the sensor will sense the smoke and gives a command signal to pneumatic valve for operating.

Ø  While opening the valve, alarm will be started.

Ø  Water will spray through holes and quench the fire.

Ø  After extinguishing again the sensor will give a command to pneumatic valve for closing the valve.

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