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Friday 24 August 2012

Safety measures –to prevent accidents

Accident prevention

Ø  Hazards- the danger potentials which may lead to accidents.

Ø  Near miss- a bad incident without human injury.

Ø  Accident-accident is unplanned, unexpected, unwanted, sudden event.

Ø  Two reasons for accidents are unsafe act and unsafe conditions.

Safety measures –to prevent accidents

Ø  Education – safety training class, job knowledge, do’s and don’ts
Ø  Demonstration- how to wear PPE’S, how to react in an emergency condition, etc.,

Ø  Safety inspection- in order to eliminate the unsafe act and unsafe conditions.
Ø  Through safety meetings/committees.

Ø  Through safety board’s like- “WE MAY MAKE HULL BUT NOT YOUR SKULL”

Ø  Through motivation- giving incentives to workers regarding safety.
Ø  Conducting celebrations – April 14(Fire service day) & march 4(National safety day)

                                   HAPPY LEARNING

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