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Thursday 23 August 2012

Gas flooding system

Gas flooding system

Ø  This system is suitable only for closed areas.

Ø  Normally, in gas flooding system CO2/N2/halon gas are used for extinguishing.

Ø  When compared to sprinkler system, this system is costly.

Ø  This system is installed in critical areas of factories such as server rooms, cash rooms etc.,

Ø  In this system, the gases are stored in cylinders or by tanks, in outside the closed area.

Ø  The cylinders are connected in parallel through pipelines and routed inside the closed sheds.

Ø  The gas pipelines are having small spray holes at the bottom portion.

Ø  A pneumatic valve with alarm is fixed in the inlet of main gas pipe line.

Ø  Sensors are fixed inside the closed areas and connected with command cable to pneumatic valve for opening/closing.

Ø  In case of fire inside the factory, the sensor will sense the smoke and gives a command signal to pneumatic valve for opening, and then the gas flooded through the holes.

Ø  After quenching fire, again the sensor gives a closing command to pneumatic valve, the valve will be closed.

                                                                      HAPPY LEARNING

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